Man sold house for granddaughter’s education | Fusion - WeRIndia

Man sold house for granddaughter’s education

Man sold house for granddaughter’s education

While some people motivate others with their speech, others do it with their deeds. This man falls in the latter category.

Desraj, an elderly autorickshaw driver, lost his both sons. He has four grandchildren. So, the burden of breadwinning for his family of seven members lied on his shoulders. His daughter-in-law also supported him in this.

His granddaughter was in class 9 at that time. She asked him whether she had to drop out of school due to family troubles.

As his condition was miserable and desperate, his granddaughter’s question made him stand strongly for the family.

He began working for long hours and drove his auto from early morning to midnight. Yet, he could make ₹10,000 per month. Desraj was paying ₹6,000 towards the school fees and stationery for his granddaughter and he was left with only ₹4,000 to feed his family.

While Desraj was struggling to meet the family needs, his situation became worse with the illness of his wife. There were certain times where he had to beg door-to-door for the required money to buy medicines for his wife.

However, the elderly man did not lose his courage. His granddaughter secured good marks in her board exams. He celebrated his joy with his customers by providing free auto rides at that time.

Later his granddaughter revealed her wish of pursuing B.Ed. She requested him to send her outside for that. To fulfil her dream and pay the fees, Desraj sold their house. He sent his family to his relatives’ home to live there for some time. As he has no shelter, he has been living and sleeping in his auto-rickshaw.

He is eagerly waiting for his granddaughter to become a teacher. She will be the first graduate in their family.

When his story was shared on Humans of Bombay, it wrenched the hearts of several people. They appreciated his courage in adversities. They lauded the support given to his granddaughter.

Image Credit: Humans of Bombay on Facebook

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