Agra woman earns lakhs with pearl growing
If you have strong dedication and put in hard work, it is not difficult to earn money nowadays. It has proved in many instances.
Here is a woman who earns lakhs of rupees with pearl growing. 27-year-old Ranjana Yadav from Agra is the founder of Vidhivani pearl farming.
Rajana came to know about pearl cultivation after finishing her post-graduation in Forestry. The process attracted her. She wanted to know more about them by cultivation.
At that time, pearl cultivation not so popular in her area. When she shared her ideas with her family members, they were sceptical. Hence, she started cultivating pearls at home.
She established a small farm in a bathtub in her father-in-law’s backyard with 20 odd pearl mussels. She took care of them. Within 10 months, she noticed that nearly two pearls formed in each mussel.
This boosted her confidence to convince her family members for their support in her endeavours.
With the pearls grown in the bathtub farm, she earned ₹350-₹450 per piece in a jeweller’s market, Hyderabad. She made a profit of ₹80,000 by selling them.
She joined a crash course on pearl cultivation at Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar to learn more and improve her skills.
Agra woman earns lakhs with pearl growing
Initially, Ranjana’s husband and her in-laws did not believe in the concept of pearl farming. Her husband is working as a government teacher.
But, Ranjna’s father allowed her to use his land for pearl farming. She bought pearl mussels from Ahmedabad and made an artificial pond in the land. She grew them in the pond.
She invested ₹65,000 and sowed 1,400 freshwater mussels. Freshwater mussels can grow up to 10 times bigger than saltwater oysters. Besides, cultivation is less expensive and easier as it needs less advanced surgical skills.
She is the first entrepreneur in her family. She spends daily four hours on the farm.
Image Credit: Modernkabootar
Image from Pxhere (Free for commercial use / CC0 Public Domain)
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