14 year old makes army drone | Fusion - WeRIndia

14 year old makes army drone

14 year old makes army drone

A fourteen-year-old boy, Harshwardhan Zala, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Gujarat government at this year’s Vibrant Gujurat Global Summit.

This memorandum agreed to use drones that have been developed by Harshwardhan for commercial purposes, he having designed three prototypes for it.

The drone he built can save lives; it can deflect and diffuse landmines in battlefield areas. He says he was inspired by being shown how often soldiers get injured from defusing landmines manually.

Since his first idea for a solution, a landmine-detecting robot, would be too heavy and trigger a blast and damage itself, he instead decided to create an idea for a drone that would be at a safe distance while detecting the mines.

The drone cost him a fair price to make. He made three different prototypes which costed him around ₹5 lakh so far. Two of his drone prototype’s cost him around ₹2 lakh which his parents funded.

The third drone prototype however was funded by the government itself. It costed about ₹3 lakh.

This drone is equipped with infrared, an RGB sensor, a thermal meter, a 21-megapixel camera with a mechanical shutter able to take high-resolution images, and a 50-gram bomb which is used to destroy the mine.

It flies above the ground, sending out waves up to eight square meters range, and once a landmine has been detected, it sends a signal back to the base station.

14 year old makes army drone

14 year old makes army drone


Harshwardhan has also both established his own company called Aerobotics and has registered for a patent on his invention.

His parents, an accountant father and a homemaking mother helped him with the patent when they visited the Google Headquarters in the United States.

This boy, motivated by a desire to save lives mixed with a passion for science and discovery, made something that will truly help people, and also helps to inspire us all.

Image Reference: NewsState, IndiaToday

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