13-year-old superhero in Tinkle Comics | Fusion - WeRIndia

13-year-old superhero in Tinkle Comics

New 13 year old superhero in Tinkle Comics

Tinkle is a well-known Indian monthly magazine for children. It contains comics, quizzes, puzzles and other educational things. The magazine also has a huge adult reader base as well.

A new superhero has been introduced in the magazine’s November issue. The superhero is a 13-year-old teenager from Mizoram. Mapui Kawlim is a teenager from a middle class family in Aizwal. She is also a crime fighter. She is the new superhero launched in Tinkle comics. Mapui is a regular teenager who hates doing her homework and enjoys having sleepovers with friends.

What makes Mapui (WingStar) a unique superhero is that she is not very interested in saving people. She is a reluctant superhero. This new character is set to break many stereotypes. Previously, Tinkle has introduced two female superheroes named – Aisha and Maya.

Tinkle Comics’ editor, Rajani Thindiath said that more iconic female heroes are needed to join the ranks of all the existing male characters in the country – Suppandi, Shikari Shambu and Tantri the Mantri. She added that since half the children are female, there should be more female characters too.

The new character is from Mizoram and the comic will hopefully help in the fight of breaking stereotypes against people from Northeast India. As many people know, Northeast Indians face a lot of racism and discrimination in the country. Characters like WingStar might help people see past stereotypes and look at people for what they are.

Rajani Thindiath has further said that she does not see the new comic as specifically revolutionary. She said that there have always been characters in Tinkle who hail from different parts of the country. Even though WingStar is from the Northeast, she is a regular teenager.

Tinkle magazine is published in English, Hindi, Tamil, and Bengali. People can also find an online version if interested.

Image Reference: TheHindu

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