Startup Business Ideas | Startup News India | Fusion - WeRIndia

WIMWI – Innovation in food

Shaw says how the pair of them noted the typically sedentary lifestyle of the country’s urban workforce, but, despite that, most of that workforce

Pinwi – App to guide child...

Rachna Khanna began her thinking behind Pinwi when she noticed the disconnection of her own resume and career; she had desired to become an

That1Too – Affordable luxury...

One hundred and twenty brands from all over India have come into the network just far, and another one hundred are still in the

Jaagruti – Startup by an...

Jaagruti aims to raise that percentage, as well as reaching out to other countries such as Greece, Sweden, and Italy in their efforts to

Adalyz – Best ads for your...

Adalyz app lets you do that: managing each advertisement's performance through factors such as its popularity through each week, the rate of viewer