Startup Business Ideas in India | Startup News India | Fusion - WeRIndia

Rare Planet’s journey towards...

Rare Planet stands out for its dedication to empowering rural artisans.

Nuvedo: Revolutionizing home-grown...

Nuvedo's kits are designed to make mushroom cultivation accessible to everyone.

Open Secret: Revolutionizing healthy...

Open Secret is making waves in the snacking industry by filling the gap in children’s snacking with a healthier twist.

Kathalfy revitalizes jackfruit in urban...

Aman Chhabra, founder of Kathalfy, is revolutionizing the way this traditional fruit is consumed.

Health Sutra’s millet magic for a...

This Hyderabad-based startup was founded by Sai Krishna Popuri and Maheedhar N V in September 2014.