MyPetrolPump ensures fuel to home delivery suppliers | Fusion - WeRIndia

MyPetrolPump ensures fuel to home delivery suppliers

MyPetrolPump ensures fuel to home delivery suppliers

The lockdown is continuing in the country with the exception of essential services. Food and other essential product delivery entities like Bigbasket, Swiggy, Zomato, Grofers etc. are delivering these to their customers.

MyPetrolPump is ensuring the delivery of fuel to these companies to prevent hindrance in the delivery of products.

MyPetrolPump is a Bengaluru based startup which provides on-demand fuel delivery service to businesses. The supply of fuel includes product delivery vehicles, fleet vehicles, backup generators, and industrial machinery etc.

The startup claims to deliver fuel day and night. They serve the businesses that serve their consumers in this crisis.

As the demand for delivery services has increased significantly in the country, MyPetrolPump started continuous operations round the clock.

The team of MyPetrolPump send refuellers to various delivery company warehouses so that the delivery vehicles would be refuelled before they start their regular deliveries.

The startup also say that all protective measures are taken by their employees and has procured safety gear including masks and sanitizers.

MyPetrolPump had given an advance salary to their operation staff so that family members of the staff can buy essentials during the lockdown. Their delivery staff have been provided with temporary housing to stay safe and avoid unnecessary commuting from their homes. They also have been provided with COVID-19 health insurance.

MyPetrolPump has a mini-mobile fuel station to go to the consumer’s place and deliver fuel. The refuelling process is similar to that of the fuel stations.

MyPetrolPump is facing many challenges. The mobile refuellers should be driven carefully on Indian roads and carry enough fuel to serve around 20 to 100 customers.

The height and width should be adjusted as per the roads and the design should be such that it can have access to all possible roads and parking spaces. The startup adopted many design features aircraft refuellers and customized them as per their need.

Image Reference: Yourstory

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