From laddoos to laddu Bars: The rise of Mama Nourish | Fusion - WeRIndia

From laddoos to laddu Bars: The rise of Mama Nourish

From laddoos to laddu Bars: The rise of Mama Nourish

When Yash Parashar opened his phone after a long flight to Australia, he didn’t expect a simple message from his mother, Usha Shrotiya, to spark such emotion.

The photo she sent was of homemade dry fruit bars—a creative response to a light-hearted comment Yash had made about how inconvenient it was to carry her traditional laddoos to work.

Usha’s ingenuity and determination to modernize these cherished sweets have now led to the birth of Mama Nourish, a startup that blends age-old recipes with modern convenience.

Usha’s determination led her to perfect the recipe after 80 attempts. Her drive was fueled by a lifelong desire to achieve something significant, a dream that started in her youth when she aspired to become a policewoman.

Though societal expectations derailed her career ambitions, Usha found a new purpose later in life.

At 62, she channelled her creativity and passion into creating something meaningful for the fast-paced urban world.

The journey began when Usha, visiting her son in Mumbai, made laddoos for her daughter-in-law during her postpartum recovery.

When her daughter, diagnosed with gestational diabetes, couldn’t consume traditional sweets, Usha innovated by using dates as a natural sweetener.

This ingenuity laid the foundation for Mama Nourish, which offers laddu bars made with ingredients like millets, fenugreek, and dry fruits.

To understand the market potential, Yash and his friend Kunal Goel conducted a survey among 250 working professionals in major cities.

The results confirmed a deep connection to grandmother’s recipes and a concern that these traditional foods might disappear in modern life. Motivated by this insight, Usha perfected her laddu bars, which quickly gained popularity.

Launched in January 2024, Mama Nourish has since secured its first corporate order from Netflix and now serves over 150 major companies, including Google, Meta, and IKEA.

Usha’s journey from homemaker to entrepreneur is a testament to the power of persistence and innovation, proving that it’s never too late to pursue one’s dreams.

Image Credit: Mamanourish Website Screenshot

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