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Repetitive alphabets in your name and luck

Repetitive alphabets in your name and luck

As per Indian Numerology, you can have good luck if your name number is good. On the other hand, you may have misfortune if the name number is bad. That’s the reason why many people including celebrities change a couple of alphabets in their names to get good luck. If you believe in numerology, then read the article to know more about your name and luck.

Different religions have different approaches for naming their babies. Normally, the first letter of the name is given by the Pandits after calculating the birth date and time of the child in Hinduism. Sikhs take the first alphabet of the baby from a special Shloka of Guru Granth Sahib. This is normally chosen by their family members. There are many other methods as well for this. Babies in Islam are given a name which does not convey any negative meaning. Thus, all religions have their own ways and practices to find the first alphabet of their babies.

According to numerology, each alphabet is assigned to a number, and based on the alphabets in your name, you can have either positive effects or adverse effects. Repetition of certain letters in your name can also influence you.

If ‘A, I, J, Q, Y’ are repetitive in your name, your personality is considered as courageous and dominating. In other words, you are the kind of person who is struggling to achieve a better status in society, growth in the business and have a strong desire for money and power.

If ‘B, K, R’ are repetitive in your name, you are emotional, creative and sensitive. You are more cooperative and helpful to others.

If ‘C, G, L,S’ are repetitive in your name, you are ingenious and brilliant. Often you might seem to be selfish and wasteful due to indiscipline and lack of concentration.

The repetition of ‘U, V, W’ in your name means you are responsible, helpful and caring.

Repetition of ‘D, M, T’ in the name indicates that the person is industrious and caring towards his family members.

If ‘O, Z’ are repetitive in the name, then the person is spiritual and research-oriented.

Repetition of ‘P, F’ letters in the name indicates strong power and position in business and profession. It indicates a lot of expenses and lack of happiness at home.

The repetition of ‘E, H, N, X’ in your name indicates that you can have success in the profession of legal, sales and public works. However, the repetition of these letters in the name for more than seven times reveals the responsibility of a person in his or her family life.

Image by John Hain from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

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