Social Media Trends in India | Social Buzz | Fusion – WeRIndia

Cancer cure from neem?

The Hyderabad-based scientists have found out that the reason Nimbolide has not been effective as a commercial drug is because the body does not

Doctors cheated her off ₹1.2...

Over four months, Parul and her family spent over ₹1.2 crore to try and save her mother.

Man buries father in ₹1.1 crore...

Many people have done various things to do something special for their loved ones’ deaths.

Female athletes drop Iranian events due...

Ever since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, it has been mandatory for women to wear headscarves in public places.

Yogi claims to have lived without water...

Jani's ability to survive on air alone has garnered the curiosity of many scientists from all over the world.