Is your name lucky? | Fusion - WeRIndia

Is your name lucky?

Is your name lucky?

There are many people who believe in astrology and numerology. Nameology is the science names and it is the astrology of your name. It reveals how lucky your name is for you. You may have heard about some famous celebrities who have modified their names for the sake of good luck. If you believe in luck, read the article to know more about the facts related to your name.

Most of the names of people our epics are single word names. Example: Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, Rama, Krishna etc. So, it is believed that the names with one word or two words will give complete power to the person. The persons with name of more than two words are said to be unable to get much power.

According to numerology, the following number values are given to each alphabet from 1 to 8. They are as follows: 1= A, I, J, Q, Y; 2 = B, K, R; 3 = C, G, L, S; 4 = D, M, T; 5 = E, H, N, X; 6 = U, V, W; 7 = O, Z; 8= F, P. Count your name number. For example if your name is Ravi, then your name number will be 2+1+6+1= 10, then add 1+0=1. Hence, your name number is 1. Both the number and birth number should be compatible to lead a happy and rewarding life.

To calculate your birth number add your birth date to month and then to year. For example if a person was born on January 1, 1969, then his birth number is 0+1+0+1+1+9+6+9=27, then add 2+7=9. So the birth number is 9 which should be matched with the name number.

Each number is ruled by different planets like Mars, Jupiter etc. Based on that, the characteristic traits of a person are decided. The alphabet with which your name starts also plays a key role in describing your personality attributes.

Image by Deedee86 from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

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