Swachh Bin – Ecofriendly trash can | Fusion - WeRIndia

Swachh Bin – Ecofriendly trash can

Swachh Bin – Ecofriendly trash can

As technology is increasing, India is developing a lot. However, there are still many issues that the citizens themselves should take care of. Many people still lack civil sense which hinders the development of the country. Even our national monuments became victims of littering and bad civic sense. However, Abhishek Marwaha is one man who wanted to do his best to solve this issue. Even though his friends made fun of him, he would always dump his garbage in the right place instead of throwing them of out his car. He wanted to do something to stop this littering. For this, he designed an ecofriendly trash can.

He found that his lunch bag worked well as a trash bin. At that point, he got the idea to design an easily accessible trash bin for any vehicle. He made cheap trash bins in bulk after contacting vendors.

The car trash bins he made are man-made. Abhishek wanted to provide earnings to slum dwellers by hiring them to make these bins. He gave some of these bins to beggars for free. He was glad to find that the beggars were selling them to car owners at traffic signals.

Abhishek believes that installing these car trash bins will help in causing behavioral change among adults and children. He says that they will help in bring more awareness towards cleanliness. The bags will help civic authorities to use manpower in cleaning roads. Littering of trash has caused a lot of problems and with the help of these bags that problem can be reduced.

Even though the car trash bin is a unique product, Abhishek believes that there is a lot of room for improvement. This is the reason why he does not want to patent the idea as he wants it to spread quickly. He wants more people to work on the bags and come up with cheaper and effective solutions all for the sake of a cleaner India.

Image Reference: TheBetterIndia

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