Sunbird Straws heads eco-friendly innovation from coconut leaves | Fusion - WeRIndia

Sunbird Straws heads eco-friendly innovation from coconut leaves

Sunbird Straws pioneers eco-friendly innovation from coconut leaves

In an era where sustainability is more critical than ever, Sunbird Straws is setting a new standard for eco-friendly products.

Founded by Saji Varghese, a professor from Bengaluru, the company crafts biodegradable, multi-layered straws from dried coconut and pandanus leaves.

Inspired by the simple sight of a fallen coconut leaf, Saji’s journey from idea to reality took years of trial and innovation.

The breakthrough came when Saji discovered that the natural wax in coconut leaves could act as a hydrophobic layer, making the straws durable in liquids.

The result is a straw that is not only organic but also antifungal, with a shelf life exceeding one year.

Sunbird Straws stay intact for about three hours in beverages, making them perfect for everything from regular drinks to boba teas.

In addition to coconut leaves, pandanus leaves are also used, which contributes to soil protection and reduces coastal erosion.

Traditionally, these leaves were used for making mats and baskets, but now, they provide a stable income for local communities producing straws.

Initially, Sunbird Straws was a small operation, with just eight women manually crafting the products.

However, a viral video showcasing their process brought international attention, leading to bulk orders from around the world.

This surge in demand pushed the team to innovate further, introducing machines to ramp up production.

Today, Sunbird operates through a hub-and-spoke model. Leaf processing centres in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka supply the raw material. At the same time, straw production units in Kerala, Mysuru, and Tuticorin manufacture the final product.

Their current goal is to produce 300,000 straws daily by the end of 2024 while providing year-round employment to 500 women.

Sunbird aims to scale operations to all 11 coconut-growing states in India, significantly contributing to reducing carbon emissions while promoting sustainable livelihoods.

With every straw, they help in preventing 550 million tonnes of CO2 from reaching the atmosphere.

Image Credit: Sunbirdstraws Website Screenshot

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