Serv’d allows paying milk and maid bills - Fusion - WeRIndia

Serv’d allows paying milk and maid bills without cash

Serv’d allows paying milk and maid bills without cash

After demonetization in India, the country is witnessing a cash crunch. Even though it was not a problem for some of them in November, it remains a big problem for most people in the country.

PM Modi announced the banning of ₹500 and ₹1,000 on November 8 and some people have already cleared their pending bills like milk, maid salary, groceries, rent etc. by that date.

So, they did not see it as a problem in November.

But, now it is the first week of month and all bills are to be paid, so many people are in trouble now than when it was first announced.

Some bills can be paid online or with cards. But milkmen or servants will not accept such payment as they do not have smartphones.

Most of them do not use cards which is why they insist payment in cash.

They also think cash can be spent on various needs with ease.

Serv’d allows paying milk and maid bills without cash

Serv’d allows paying milk and maid bills without cash



In order to solve these issues, Serv’d come up with a solution. This app allows you to pay with an offline wallet even to people who do not have smartphones with them. There is no need of internet connection to use Serv’d app.

Now, in the country’s hard times about cash, mobile wallet is a good solution. Serv’d app is very useful to make payment to the daily service providers like milkmen, servants, vegetable sellers, cooks, drivers etc.

Using Serv’d app is very simple. First download the app. It is available on both iOS and Android platforms.

Register details like the name, Aadhar, and phone numbers of the persons to whom you want to make the payment.

An SMS will be sent to the registered mobile after the completion of registration process. You can enter all the details like salary, bonus, leaves etc. Then, an executive from Serv’d contacts the registered person and assists him/her to link the bank account to the app. The person will then get money directly deposited into his bank account via the app.

Image Reference: TheBetterIndia, LinkedIn

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