Innovative Business Ideas in India | Innovation | Fusion - WeRIndia

App for socializing between differently...

According to a report printed by the UN, there are eighty million with disabilities living in India and out of those just 5 %

App that shows the safest route...

Meet Kalpana Viswanath who used her twenty years of urban safety expertise to make an app which lets users make complains regarding unsafe areas

App to inform PM directly

If you see a pothole down the road, a non-functional street light, or a pile of garbage not picked up for over a week,

An app to track your child’s...

This new app helps parents keep track of the baby’s health. From keeping track of the baby’s first smile to first steps to ensure

Organic manure factory at just...

An innovative farmer in Chennimalai has come up with an idea which helps farmers create their own liquid manure out of cow dung and