Innovative Business Ideas in India | Innovation | Fusion - WeRIndia

ModRoof – cheap and safe...

In order to solve the problems in trdidtional roofs, ReMaterials has come up with a better solution. It is their sustainable modular roofing system

How hearing impaired people can play...

LS Ramesh, did six years of hard research to come up with something new and simple for the process of learning music. His new

A device that can reduce deaths in...

eLsys Intelligent Devices Pvt Ltd. has developed the Raksha SafeDrive device to help reduce the time taken for assistance to reach the victims of

Disabled Friendly bus

This public accessible bus comes under a project called Accessible Auroville. Susmita started this project along with her friends in 2009.

A smart Ice cream cart

Mahesh Rathi, a 40 year old man managed to develop a solar powered ice cream cart – “Smart Kart” after a lot of hard