NeoBolt revolutionizes mobility for wheelchair users | Fusion - WeRIndia

NeoBolt revolutionizes mobility for wheelchair users

NeoBolt revolutionizes mobility for wheelchair users

In a groundbreaking development led by Sujatha Srinivasan from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at IIT Madras, a revolutionary mobility solution has emerged, aptly named NeoBolt.

This innovative vehicle has been commercialized by the startup NeoMotion, co-founded by Srinivasan and IIT Madras alumnus Swostik Sourav Dash, who currently serves as the company’s CEO.

NeoBolt is a remarkable addition to the world of mobility, boasting a top speed of 25 kilometres per hour. It is powered by a rechargeable battery that allows it to cover distances of up to 25 kilometres on a single charge.

Its primary mission is to empower wheelchair users with a convenient, safe, and cost-effective means of outdoor transportation, offering a compelling alternative to cars, auto-rickshaws, or modified scooters.

The Indian market for wheelchairs is substantial, with an estimated 300,000 units sold annually, of which a staggering 83 per cent are imported.

NeoBolt seeks to bridge this gap by being easily attachable to wheelchairs from the same brand, aptly named NeoFly.

A startling fact revealed by the company is that nearly 95 per cent of wheelchairs sold in India are ‘one-size-fits-all,’ which can severely limit mobility, affect health, and undermine self-confidence.

NeoFly and NeoBolt, products of the IIT Madras team’s ingenuity, are designed to address these critical issues.

NeoFly, a personalized wheelchair tailored to the user, is available for ₹39,900. It’s engineered to offer unparalleled comfort, efficient propulsion, superior manoeuvrability, and top-notch ergonomics.

The game-changing aspect of NeoBolt lies in its motor-powered attachment, which transforms NeoFly into a road-worthy vehicle capable of navigating diverse terrains, from unpaved streets to steep gradients. It is priced at ₹55,000.

With built-in suspensions to absorb shocks, it guarantees a comfortable and secure ride for users.

In a nation where mobility challenges often hinder the lives of wheelchair users, NeoBolt and NeoFly signify a leap forward.

They not only enhance mobility but also promote inclusivity and independence.

As this transformative innovation hits the market, it heralds a new era for wheelchair users in India, offering them the freedom to explore their surroundings with ease and confidence.

NeoBolt is not just a vehicle; it’s a symbol of empowerment and progress in the field of accessible mobility.

Image Credit: Neomotion Website Screenshot

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