You can travel on a train with a platform ticket | Fusion - WeRIndia

You can travel on a train with a platform ticket

You can travel on a train with a platform ticket

Reservation is essential to travel on trains, especially for longer destinations. In such cases, passengers can book their tickets online or buy from a ticket reservation counter.

But, do you know that you can travel on trains with a platform ticket in emergency cases? Yes, you have the option, but in rare cases.

If you find a long queue in front of the ticket counter due to which you might miss a train, then you can board a train with a platform ticket. But, you should have a Guard’s certificate. This certificate is issued by a guard, conductor or any other similar category staff. It is issued to people only in special cases where they do not have time to buy a train ticket but have a valid platform ticket.

This Guard’s certificate can also be issued in the following cases:

  • If passengers want to continue their journey beyond their booked destination, they can acquire the certificate.
  • If they want to travel in a higher or lower class of carriage or change from ordinary train to express train or a mail, in such cases also they can get the certificate.

With Guard’s certificate, you can board the train. After boarding the train with a platform ticket, contact Travelling Ticket Examiner (TTE) and get a ticket to your destination. You will have to pay an additional fee of ₹250 as a penalty along with the ticket fare. However, if a person is found to board a train with a platform ticket purposefully, then the TTE can levy a fine of up to ₹1,000 or imprisonment for up to six months, or both.

If you miss your train for any reason, you can still board in the next station as your seat will be reserved for the next two stations. So, you can board the train within that period. After two stations, TTE can allot your seat to other passengers.

Image by Aditya Kumar from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

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