Team Everest India | Fusion - WeRIndia

Team Everest India

Team Everest India

Team Everest India was started in the August of 2006. It began by collecting around Rs.4000 from four people who contributed to it from their first month’s salary. With this money, the team donated uniforms and notebooks to few students who were studying in rural schools in Sirumoor in Tamilnadu. This was the beginning of the Team Everest. After this mission, the team has grown stronger and stronger every day. To date, they have carried out 700+ community services. Now they are no longer restricted to Chennai and Tamilnadu. They carry activities in all parts of India wherever their volunteers are from.

However, their main focus is on the rural villages on Tamilnadu.They have more than 3000 helping hands in Team Everest. The founder of Team Everest is Kartheeban C. He started the Team Everest in 2006 at the age of 22. He observed many people being financially unstable at the time of his studying in childhood and he wanted to help these people. He was deeply affected by the many troubles his peers went through. He had a friend who used to help his father fix punctured cycle tires after school. After that he studied in a city school for his 11th standard. During this time he observed how many privileges rural students are missing. He was determined to help the poor people who have a determination to come up in life. He says that this was the reason for the beginning of Everest.

Photo by Ted Bryan Yu on Unsplash (Free for Commercial Use)

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