Foreigner’s tips on traveling in India | Fusion - WeRIndia

Foreigner’s tips on traveling in India

Foreigner’s tips on traveling in India

A female solo traveler often gets a lot of advice regarding safety. This is usually for a good reason as well.

Women travelers get concern from family, friends and even strangers.

Despite all warnings, there are things where women must take do by taking risk and move forward. Sometimes, it is unescapable to wake early in the morning while traveling and have a bus ride alone.

Despite all precautions, woman travelers do end up alone in many situations.

Here is list of safety tips by a foreigner, Lucy Plummer about traveling alone in India. She is a solo female traveler who has visited 26 different countries.

Always go for accommodation which has been recommended by your family and friends. Take the review of other female travelers.

If you are going to places where none of your peers visited, then check for online reviews. Don’t stay at places without reviews.

When you are sleeping alone, make sure you lock from the inside. Make sure to carry a door wedge to stop doors without any locks.

Use women-only carriages whenever you can.

Try to plan your journey in early hours. If not, book taxis from verified places.

Keep a padlock with you and lock your bags.

Don’t tell the hotel staff if you are not staying a night there. Some staff can use that to their advantage and steal your items.

Keep your phone charged at all times with enough prepaid balance. Stay online as much as possible to use maps if you get lost.

It is okay to avoid conversations or any contact with people you don’t know. Don’t be too trusting or feel obligated to answer when it comes to strangers.

Always take the preference of a single berth/private berth when booking for a bus or train. This helps avoid situations where you might have to share a berth with someone.

Photo by Leio McLaren (@leiomclaren) on Unsplash(Free for Commercial Use)

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