Tips to avoid common yoga injuries | Fusion - WeRIndia

Tips to avoid common yoga injuries

Tips to avoid common yoga injuries

Though yoga is very good for overall health of your body and mind, it may lead to injuries if you do not perform the poses in a correct manner.

Here are some common injuries while performing yoga due to improper form, and tips to avoid them:

Wrist pain is one of the most common injuries if yoga is not done properly. Certain poses like plank, side plank, handstand, crow, downward facing dog etc. can cause wrist pain for the beginners. Sometimes overuse of wrist also is a cause for pain. Warm up exercises can help preventing such pain. Don’t try to put pressure at a single point, rather try to spread the weight evenly through the entire palm. Also don’t stretch your shoulders too forward. Use a rolled up towel or mat for relieving extra pressure from your wrists.

Lower back pain is another common injury. Certain poses like downward dog, forward folds etc., lead to it. Keeping your legs too straight is also a common cause for such pain. To avoid lower back pain, spread your toes out and push the bone in your big toe joint away from your body. Also, use your lower belly while doing forward folds and bend your knees.

Repetitive incorrect poses lead to injuries of musculoskeletal system especially the shoulders. To avoid this, don’t put too much stress or overload your shoulder joint. Push your heels back and lower your body so that your chest is in forward position while doing certain poses like chaturanga.

Hamstring injuries occur when you perform yoga poses and fold forward without contracting the lower abdomen and the front of your body. In other words, overstretching to increase the flexibility of your body is the main reason for this. So, while performing forward bending poses, keep your outer hips to the midline to prevent these injuries.

Forceful motions and repetitive strains lead to elbow strain. So, if you feel such pain, either modify your posture or skip them.

Headstand or shoulder stand poses may lead to neck injuries. Don’t exert too much strain on your neck. Always try to perform these poses correctly.

Photo by jeviniya ( on Needpix (Free for commercial use / CC0 Public Domain)

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