Symptoms to identify dengue | Fusion - WeRIndia

Symptoms to identify dengue

Symptoms to identify dengue

Dengue is a very dangerous disease and at present, there have been many victims of it in India. This disease is caused by the Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes which carry the dengue virus. There are many complications associated with Dengue. Knowing them can be quite helpful in identifying dengue and saving lives as dengue can present in different ways in different people. Know the following symptoms of dengue. A point to note is that just because you have these symptoms it does not mean you have dengue. Consult your doctor for better guidance.

Severe headaches

This is a common symptom with dengue. You will experience severe headache which often leads to brain hemorrhage and death.

Sudden and high fever

The primary symptom of dengue is fever. You will experience high fevers that range from above 102 F.

Joint pains

Dengue patients often complain of severe muscle and joint pains.


Dehydration is when your body suffers from loss of water. Due to the high temperatures in your body, there will be a loss of fluids in your body. During these times, saline water should be used.


Bleeding (hemorrhage) occurs commonly in deadly diseases. This can lead to serious complications even death.

Low platelet count

Having an infection in your body reduces the platelet count in blood. This is a very dangerous situation for your body.

Other symptoms include low blood pressure, neurological damage, skin rashes, and nausea.

Image by Mohamed Nuzrath from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

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