Indian Home Remedies | Grandma's Medicine | Fusion - WeRIndia

Turmeric, a natural remedy for many...

Turmeric can be used as a natural remedy for numerous diseases. Curcumin, the active component in turmeric can perform the action of many drugs.

Live happily with these natural...

Smile makes you happy. Even fake smiles work due to the stimulation of your brain to release endorphins which keep you happy. It refreshes

Beware, don’t reheat these...

Some foods should not be reheated as they might be poisonous and lead to health damage. Here are certain foods which should not be

Healthy foods for lengthy and quality...

Certain foods increase immunity and the quality of life. Here is a list of those foods.

Signs of poor blood...

Blood circulation is one of the most important things for the human body. Here are some signs you can use to detect poor blood