Natural remedies to soothe GERD symptoms | Fusion - WeRIndia

Natural remedies to soothe GERD symptoms

Natural remedies to soothe GERD symptoms

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic condition where stomach acids move up into the oesophagus, causing discomfort.

Symptoms include heartburn, belching, and bloating.

Other symptoms include a bitter or acidic taste at the back of your throat and the unpleasant sensation of food or liquid coming back into your mouth.

Here are some effective home remedies to alleviate GERD symptoms:

  • Milk can neutralize stomach acidity like calcium-based antacids. Choose skim or low-fat milk over whole milk to avoid exacerbating heartburn.
  • Low-fat yoghurt can also help and provides gut-friendly probiotics.
  • Drinking two glasses of coconut water daily can help alleviate heartburn. It is high in fibre and helps relax the digestive tract, protecting the stomach from excessive acid production.
  • Ginger has digestive and anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective for acid reflux. Use it in cooking, chew a raw slice, or boil it in water to sip as a remedy.
  • Baking soda is a natural product that helps with GERD. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a cup of water to neutralize stomach acid.
  • Basil leaves can produce mucus in the stomach, relieving heartburn and soothing the stomach lining. Chew a few leaves or boil them in water to make tea.
  • Mint leaves have digestive effects and can act as a natural cooling agent. Boil mint leaves to make tea, which can alleviate GERD symptoms.
  • Almonds are high in natural oils that soothe the stomach. They aid digestion, and almond milk can maintain stomach health and relieve acidity.
  • Watermelon juice is alkaline and naturally relieves heartburn. Drink a glass with breakfast to reduce acidity and stay hydrated in the summer.
  • Pineapple juice is effective for treating acidity. A glass of pineapple juice after a heavy meal can provide immediate relief.
  • Though acidic, a small amount of lemon juice mixed with water and honey can neutralize stomach acids. It is best taken on an empty stomach or before a meal.
  • Bananas, high in fibre and potassium, can cure constipation and relieve acidity. They offer various digestive benefits.
  • Aloe vera juice has anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in vitamins. Mix pure aloe vera juice with water and consume it two to three times daily for heartburn relief.
  • Apple cider vinegar may help treat heartburn by providing the stomach with the acid needed to digest food. Mix a teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar with half a cup of water for relief.
  • Chewing gum increases saliva production. It helps remove acid from the oesophagus, providing relief from acidity.
  • Mustard helps with digestion and may neutralize stomach acids. Take a spoonful as needed for relief.

Incorporating these remedies can help manage GERD symptoms naturally. Always proceed with caution and consult a healthcare provider for persistent issues.

Image from Pxhere (Free for commercial use / CC0 Public Domain)

Image Published on June 03, 2020

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