Flaxseeds have numerous health benefits - Fusion - WeRIndia

Flaxseeds have Numerous Health Benefits

Flaxseeds have Numerous Health Benefits

According to Ayurveda, flaxseeds and the leaves of the tree cures many health ailments. The oil made from these seeds is widely used in several countries.

In ancient India, people used sesame seed oil and flaxseed oil. But the current population does not use these oils. It is no exaggeration that many people even do not know the benefits of flaxseed oil and what diseases it cures. Only very few are aware of these seeds and add them to their diet.

Flaxseed oil contains linoleic acid and omega-fatty acids. Furthermore, they contain lower fat than cod-liver oil. Hence, they are ideal even for infants.

Flaxseed oil can be added in recipes instead of regular oil to get their health benefits. Or the powder made from these seeds can be used regularly.

The essential fatty acids in these seeds improve the immunity of body and the functioning of heart. It prevents many skin disorders including wrinkles, drying etc.

It helps in reducing weight at a faster rate. Hence, it is recommended for people with obesity. People who want to get rid of their fat should consume the powder with milk or honey early morning.

The leaves of flax can be bonded on the knee or joint pains to get instant relief. The paste of these leaves is beneficial for skin disorders like scabies and itching.

The production of milk will be improved in breast feeding mothers with regular consumption of flaxseed. It reduces depression and stress. The mixture of flaxseed powder or oil with honey is helpful for children with ADHD.

Flaxseeds have antiangiogenic properties. Regular consumption of flaxseeds protects against colon, prostate, skin and breast cancers.

They prevents hot flashes and thus are very helpful for post-menopausal women. They regulate glycemic index and control hypertension as well.

A word of Caution:

Flaxseed may lead to constipation so they are not recommended to people with bowel problems.

Stomach pains, nausea and bloating are associated with the consumption of these seeds. Doctors advice that pregnant women should stay away from flaxseeds. Flaxseeds or their oil should not be heated.

They must be stored in a cool, dry place or in a refrigerator. Never consume them in high doses as it may lead to diarrhea.

Image by Pezibear from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Image Reference: https://pixabay.com/photos/flax-seed-seeds-eat-healthy-bowl-1274944/

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