The Color Run India | Fusion - WeRIndia

The Color Run India

The Color Run India

Who doesn’t want fun in their lives? If it is done in a healthy way, even more people would be interested to join it.

Here is one such event ‘The Color Run India’. It is a 5K run. It will be held on February 25, 2018 in Delhi. Anyone can participate in the event.

But, it is not free. You have to pay the specific amount to participate in the event. The last date for registration is February 24, 2018. It is ₹885 for single runners who can register till February 25, 2018.

The fees for children below 10 years is ₹590. Group booking of four people costs ₹708. The last date for this registration is also February 24, 2018.

Registrations are non-transferable. However, if you cannot attend the event in one city, you can transfer your participation to another city if it being held in the same calendar year.

The event pack or participant kit for all types of registration includes the Super Soft Color Run Tee, Event Bib, Color Runner Headband, Unicorn Finishers Medal, Color Packets and Happy Tattoo.

Even though the name is ‘The Color Run’, you can also walk, crawl, or even cartwheel in the event.

The event is being held in many countries. The motivation behind the event is the Holi festival of India and some inspiring events from different countries.

The intention is to amuse participants and let them socialize through activities.

Though children can participate in the event, pets are not allowed. The organizers of the event are assuring that the color provided by them is safe.

They have air blowers to clean the color at the finish line. However, it does not clean completely. You have to wash off in your home.

Image Credit: Image by frankspandl from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

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