Valli Sarvani, Author at Fusion - WeRIndia | Page 439 of 2436

Author Bio:Valli Sarvani

  • Name: Valli Sarvani
  • Introduction: I am a freelance writer and academic assignment helper. Health, home making, finance, cooking, environmental issues, software and science are my favorite subjects. I write for many websites. Reading books, watching TV, listening to music and preparing new recipes are my hobbies.

Author Archives: Valli Sarvani

File your e-nomination in EPF

All EPF subscribers have to complete the e-nomination process as soon as possible,

O’be Cocktails offers ready-to-drink cocktails

O’be Cocktails is a Bengaluru based startup.

Pre-flight alcohol tests required for

Pre-flight alcohol tests were mandatory for all crew members of airlines before COVID-19.

Woman earns over ₹4 lakhs

Ritu sells her products under the brand name – Everything Mom Made.

New lane rules for buses

All buses in Delhi shall halt only at designated bus stops.