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Author Bio:Valli Sarvani

  • Name: Valli Sarvani
  • Introduction: I am a freelance writer and academic assignment helper. Health, home making, finance, cooking, environmental issues, software and science are my favorite subjects. I write for many websites. Reading books, watching TV, listening to music and preparing new recipes are my hobbies.

Author Archives: Valli Sarvani

North India likely to see

According to a special update on the weather portal, AccuWeather, the rain relief may not spread to areas in central, south and east India, where a ridge of

SMS based pregnancy preventer

The CycleTel Humsafar service will be availed by calling the toll free number: 1800 1800 8000. The client care service screens potential beneficiaries through specific questions. If eligible,

Ways to avoid ATM charges

Use the following methods that help to avoid ATM charges. At the start of every month, make sure you have calculated well about how much cash you

Tale of the tallest man

At present, Dharmendra, the tallest man of India works at a local amusement park in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh as freak show performer. Even though he has an MA

Precautions for heat wave

Install cooling systems in your house in order to keep your house cool and safe. Stay indoors as much as possible. Here are some other ways to protect