Real Life Inspirational Stories | Unknown Wizards | Fusion - WeRIndia

Ajay Kumar: Master of microscopic...

At 51, Ajay has utilized a diverse array of materials to bring this detailed sculpture to life.

A journey through time:...

Vikas treasures an antique ballot box once belonging to his grandfather, a dedicated Congress party worker.

Harshil Kiran, a young prodigy’s...

Harshil's passion for photography began at the age of nine, during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Kinara Capital’s pioneering...

Kinara Capital’s CEO, Hardika Shah, is at the forefront of championing gender inclusivity within the fintech industry.

Dr A Muruganathan: Championing cancer...

Dr A Muruganathan has emerged as a pioneering figure in medical innovation and community health in Tamil Nadu.