A journey through time: Kozhikode's personal election museum | Fusion - WeRIndia

A journey through time: Kozhikode’s personal election museum

A journey through time: Kozhikode's personal election museum

K Vikas, an IT professional from Nadakkavu, Kozhikode, has transformed his home into a fascinating hub for history enthusiasts this election season.

His unique collection of election memorabilia has attracted a growing number of visitors, eager to explore a slice of India’s political history.

At 46, Vikas’s passion for collecting spans over 15 years, beginning with stamps and coins in his teenage years. 

However, his interest took a significant turn towards election history after encountering vintage polling equipment at an exhibition. 

Now, his collection includes items ranging from ballot boxes to campaign booklets, each telling its own story of past electoral practices.

Key highlights of Vikas’s collection are the ballot boxes manufactured by Allwyn and Kelvinator during the first general election in 1951-1952. 

He proudly owns several of these, including one he impulsively bought in Tamil Nadu and another from 1960 found in Malappuram. 

Additionally, Vikas treasures an antique ballot box once belonging to his grandfather, a dedicated Congress party worker.

Moreover, Vikas is captivated by wooden moulds used for printing party symbols and campaign material. 

These moulds, sourced from old printing presses in Kozhikode, represent the intricate craftsmanship of a bygone era. He also possesses booklets containing the campaign songs of yesteryear candidates. 

Unlike today’s recorded tracks used in campaigns, these songs were once performed live, enhancing the communal spirit of elections.

The mini museum of Vikas not only preserves these artefacts but also showcases the evolution of election campaigning techniques over the decades. 

His collection serves as a vivid reminder of how technology and communication strategies have shaped political campaigns throughout history.

Visitors to the home of Vikas leave with a deeper appreciation for the electoral process and the technological advancements that have transformed it. 

His collection stands as a testament to the rich political heritage of Kerala and continues to inspire and educate those interested in the confluence of history and politics.

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Image Reference: https://unsplash.com/photos/brown-wooden-letter-t-letter-ApHrNurIYpk

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