Planting saplings with pocket money | Fusion - WeRIndia

Planting saplings with pocket money

Planting saplings with pocket money

Most teenagers or kids would spend their pocket money on something for their benefit. But, have you heard of this group of 28 teens who pool their money to buy seeds, plant, and water them? The group’s plan is to plant 30 saplings every month.

By taking this initiative, they have proven that one does not need to spend a lot of money to start a good cause. These kids are the students of Vijaya PU College and they will be planting 30 saplings a month under their organization name Vanya. Their objective is quite grand yet simple: to save the planet in their own way.

The idea for this organization came to the students when one of them visited Bugle Rock, Basavangudi, with friends. However, they did not enjoy this day. Instead they were compelled to do something for humanity.

That started Vanya. Each of them pitch in Rs.30 to Rs.100 and buy seeds from Kengeri. They plant these seeds, water them and take care of them regularly. They have planted 35 trees so far in Basavanagudi, Vijaya College Campus, and Netkallappa circle. Due to the positive response they received, they plan to expand their initiative even further. Thus, this team is setting a good example to the next generation.

Image Reference: Thebetterindia

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