Startup Business Ideas | Startup News India | Fusion - WeRIndia

CareNx – healthcare for rural...

Their main product is CareMother, a mobile platform created by CareNx for pregnancy care. It consists of a mobile app, a web app, and

Largest automation startup of...

Although the startup has faced many challenges along the way, GreyOrange has come out as one of the most successful Indian automation startups ever

Mumbai’s first floating...

The project is not completely finished, and it will only be public by around January of next year. However, the process of getting

Vihik – innovative cab...

A customer can also use the Vihikchatbot on Facebook to make the bid, which will send the request to the drivers.

Wakefit – Get the mattress of your...

Today, Wakefit has successfully satisfied over thirty thousand customers, and has shipped over forty thousand products throughout the entirety of India.