Startup Business Ideas | Startup News India | Fusion - WeRIndia

Tips to become a successful...

There are no specific guidelines to become a successful entrepreneur. However, there are some tips which can definitely help in the way. Here are

Worknhire – a freelance marketplace... acts as a common marketplace for both freelancers and Clients looking for them. The founders of the website are Kumar Mukul and Manish

TyDy- An app to replace video...

TyDy is a new tool to revolutionize video conferencing process. It allows for integrated content creation with the help of a series of templates.

Glassic – Virtual try on...

Glassic was founded by Kailash Nichani and Devesh Nichani. The aim of this website is to sell great quality, fashionable eyewear at affordable prices.

InMobi –Mobile Advertising

InMobi is a service which lets user discover great product through mobile advertising. It uses Miip, a revolutionary discovery platform to help developers