HimFla revitalizes tradition and empowers rural women | Fusion - WeRIndia

HimFla revitalizes tradition and empowers rural women

HimFla revitalizes tradition and empowers rural women

Three friends from Uttarakhand—Sandeep Pandey, Sourabh Pant, and Yogendra Singh—transformed their love for traditional pahadi salt into a thriving business.

Their venture, HimFla, now has a turnover of ₹1 crore, generating ₹5 crore in revenue, while empowering rural women.

The friends, despite their varied academic backgrounds, shared a deep appreciation for local flavours.

Sandeep’s original plan to open a restaurant changed after the 2013 floods. During this period, he discovered the unique taste of pahadi salt and the struggles rural women faced in preserving it.

Inspired to honour and support these cultural traditions, the friends started HimFla with just ₹160, buying a grinding stone, fresh coriander, and green chillies.

Despite family and societal pressures, their dedication paid off. HimFla quickly gained recognition at local fairs, achieving an annual revenue of over ₹1.5 crore.

Yogendra describes their journey as a roller-coaster ride. He highlights their commitment to preserving heritage and contributing positively to society.

HimFla sources salt from over 1,000 small farmers in Uttarakhand, developing 52 unique varieties reflecting local flavours.

HimFla has made a significant impact on rural women. Many of their workers have moved from unstable farming and labour jobs to earning a steady income. This newfound stability has allowed them to support their family financially.

Collaborating with local organizations and government initiatives, HimFla offers training programs that equip community members with valuable skills. This fosters self-sufficiency and helps preserve cultural heritage.

HimFla aims to establish a global presence while promoting sustainable development and ethical sourcing.

They seek to introduce the unique flavours of Uttarakhand to a worldwide audience. Their goal is to inspire entrepreneurs globally, demonstrating that success can be achieved while respecting cultural roots and committing to social and environmental sustainability.

From their modest beginnings with ₹160, the trio has built a successful global business, revitalizing traditions and empowering communities.

HimFla’s journey offers valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs, showing that challenges can be overcome with passion, determination, and respect for heritage.

Follow HimFla’s progress and join the movement celebrating the rich flavours of the Himalayas.

Their story underscores that embracing our roots and honouring traditions can lead to a sustainable, equitable, and flavorful future for all.

Image Credit: Himfla Website Screenshot

Image Reference: https://himfla.com/

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