Goodfellows: A heartwarming startup connecting generations | Fusion - WeRIndia

Goodfellows: A heartwarming startup connecting generations

Goodfellows: A heartwarming startup connecting generations

In a heartening endeavour to bridge the generation gap, the startup Goodfellows was launched in 2022, graced by the presence of renowned investor Ratan Tata, who has also invested in the venture.

The innovative startup focuses on providing authentic and meaningful companionship to seniors through carefully selected, empathetic young graduates.

Subscribed seniors are affectionately termed Grandpals, reflecting the genuine connection the platform seeks to establish.

After a successful beta phase spanning six months, Goodfellows has officially launched its services in Mumbai and Pune, with plans to expand to Chennai and Bengaluru.

During the beta phase, the startup garnered immense interest, receiving over 800 applications from young graduates.

A select cohort of 20 graduates provided companionship to seniors in Mumbai after undergoing rigorous vetting and psychometric testing to ensure genuine connections.

Ensuring authentic and meaningful connections between Goodfellows and Grandpals has been a paramount challenge for the startup.

Multiple rounds of vetting and in-house psychometric tests are conducted to select graduates with high levels of empathy and emotional intelligence.

Seniors can sign up for the service on the official website, check the Instagram handle, or give a missed call at the given number.

Goodfellows goes beyond one-on-one companionship by organizing monthly events curated for the enjoyment and engagement of Grandpals.

These events provide an opportunity for seniors to connect with each other and the young graduates, fostering a sense of community and shared experiences.

Operating on a freemium subscription model, Goodfellows offers the first month free to allow Grandpals to experience the service.

Subsequent months incur a small subscription fee, carefully structured to align with the limited affordability of pensioners.

The startup not only provides companionship but also offers short-term internships and employment opportunities to graduates, empowering them to contribute meaningfully in this unique space.

While the majority of investor funds currently support scaling up Goodfellows’ human capital, the startup acknowledges the gradual nature of this process.

The vision extends beyond connecting generations, it aims to create a platform where graduates can ideate, create, and truly make the company their own.

Goodfellows stands as a beacon of innovation, fostering genuine connections that transcend generational boundaries.

Image Credit: Thefoodfellows Website Screenshot

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