Things to know about Happy Hypoxia
COVID-19 causes severe health issues. Though it affects all vital organs, it mainly affects the lungs and causes low oxygen saturation levels in the blood.
Happy hypoxia is a symptom of COVID-19, which can be fatal in many individuals. Happy hypoxia means very low levels of oxygen in the blood. Yet, the patients might not aware of this condition.
Normally, patients with hypoxia or low oxygen saturation levels experience breathlessness. However, happy hypoxia patients do not feel breathlessness even though their oxygen saturation levels are low. They appear to be normal and comfortable. Hence, the condition is known as happy hypoxia.
Since they are not aware of their low oxygen levels in the blood, they do not monitor or check their oxygen levels regularly. Only a few people report symptoms of dizziness or fainting while walking, but a majority of individuals do not have any warning signs.
Happy hypoxia is majorly seen in young individuals who have higher immunity and can tolerate hypoxia to some extent. These people do not have any symptoms even though their oxygen saturation level drops to 80.
As patients do not have any symptoms, it leads to the progression of disease due to delay in treatment, which eventually damages the lungs.
Health experts and doctors warn that any individual with an oxygen saturation level of less than 92 must seek immediate medical attention. In the case of elderly patients and people with comorbidities like diabetes, they shall have to admit to a hospital if their oxygen level drops to 94.
They advise COVID-19 positive patients to check oxygen levels at least four times daily. For severe cases, they shall check oxygen every two hours. Patients shall monitor it not only at rest but after taking a 6-minute walk test. That means patients shall check their oxygen level after walking for 6 minutes in their surroundings. If they find any significant drop in the reading, they must admit to the hospital immediately.
Image by Shafin Al Asad Protic from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)
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