2019 Numerology Predictions
As 2019, i.e. the New Year is approaching, many people are interested to get new things. New resolutions and decisions are being taken.
Astrology predictions have also been given for the New Year.
As per some numerologists, here are the numerology predictions for 2019 as per your birth date:
People whose number is 1 will have a big good news by the year end. Your jobs and business will flourish in 2019. If you are in a relationship, it will move to a further step. Your marital relatiohave beenns will turn better.
People of number 2 will have some ups and downs like a roller coaster ride. Yet, at the year end, you will see it turning positive. Marital relations will flourish. You will succeed in your workplace. There will be some tours on vacation with family and friends by the year end.
Number 3 people will have to face challenges in 2019. You have to control your anger. You will get a promotion in your career and your social circle will be improved. You may have to face some health issues, so visit your doctor regularly.
People of number 4 will see good results in this year. Employees will gain financially. June to August are lucky months for you to start your own business. However, you have to maintain your relations with friends and family as you may feel low occasionally.
Number 5 people should have to stay away with heavy amounts of investing. You may feel stress due to your personal problems, yet they will be solved by the year end. It is better to plan an outing with your spouse whenever you feel a need to take a break.
People of number 6 will be influenced a lot in the New Year. You will have an international trip in your career. You will find your partner. You will gain financially from various opportunities. However, take some break from work during April to June if you need.
Number 7 people will see ups and downs in this year. The year starts with happiness, but by the end of April, you have to struggle a lot with your emotions. Stay in touch with your friends or colleagues to help with your problems.
People of number 8 will have some good and bad effects in 2019. Business people, or those who working for a company will have to face sudden problems, but if they keep calm, they will be on top. You may have an enemy at your workplace, who will turn to your friend by the year end.
Number 9 people will succeed in their planning on tying the knot. You will get success and power in your work. You may have to face some health issues. You should also be careful about the people who act suspicious near you.
Image by S K from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)
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Image Reference: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/gears-numbers-engineering-1443875/
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