Uravu Labs generates water from the air | Fusion - WeRIndia

Uravu Labs generates water from the air

Uravu Labs generates water from the air

Safe drinking water is one of the most common issues in India. The majority of people in the country have no access to quality water. In addition, water shortage is seen in many drought areas.

In this context, a Bengaluru-based startup has come up with an innovative solution. Uravu Labs, a startup based in Bangalore, India has developed a technology that can extract water from the air.

The process, known as atmospheric water generation, involves extracting moisture from the atmosphere and converting it into potable water using a machine.

Uravu’s renewable water technology works by drawing air through a series of filters to remove dust and other impurities, and then directing it through a cooling system that condenses the moisture in the air into water droplets.

These droplets are then collected and filtered again to remove any remaining impurities, resulting in clean and drinkable water. The technology is particularly useful in areas where access to clean drinking water is limited, such as in rural and remote communities.

It is also a sustainable solution, as it does not rely on groundwater or surface water sources that may be contaminated or overused.

Uravu Labs has already deployed its technology in several locations across India, including schools, hospitals, and community centres. The company is also working with local governments and NGOs to bring its technology to more communities in need.

The technology has also been recognized for its potential to address global water scarcity issues. In 2021, Uravu Labs was named a winner of the Water Abundance XPRIZE, a competition aimed at finding innovative solutions to water scarcity.

Uravu Labs developed the devices in various ranges. The small devices are in the range of 20-100 litres, while large devices have a capacity of 10,000 litres. With a 20-litre device, the cost of each litre is around Rs 6 per litre.

Image Credit: Uravu Labs Website Screenshot

Image Reference: https://www.uravulabs.com/

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