Innovative Business Ideas in India | Innovation | Fusion - WeRIndia

World’s first eToilet in...

World's first eToilet is developed by Eram Scientific Solutions, a local firm which is funded by Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation.

App to verify employees using...

TrustID has been developed by Swabhimaanya, a registered authentication user agency with the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).

A bicycle that reaches you with an...

Students from IIT Kharagpur have developed an amazing new invention: the driverless bicycle.

Robots made by a...

In the TECH FOSS 2K16 event, Saaran Sumesh, a second grader displayed a cleaning robot, a robotic hand, and a walking stick for the

Space technology to help water problems...

With the help of ISRO, the Government of Karnataka will be able to identify villages with surface water sources through satellite mapping.