Flyfish revolutionizes digital sales with AI | Fusion - WeRIndia

Flyfish revolutionizes digital sales with AI

Flyfish revolutionizes digital sales with AI

Fractal Analytics, a leading artificial intelligence company, introduced Flyfish. It is a pioneering generative AI platform designed specifically for digital sales.

This innovative tool is set to transform the way businesses engage with customers by offering highly personalized shopping experiences.

Flyfish leverages AI to analyze various customer data points such as purchasing patterns, previous purchases, and personal preferences. 

This analysis allows the platform to create customized shopping experiences that not only increase sales but also enhance customer loyalty. 

The introduction of Flyfish marks a significant advancement in digital sales technology, offering a consultative experience akin to interacting with a knowledgeable salesperson.

Srikanth Velamakanni, co-founder and Vice Chairman of Fractal, emphasized the platform’s deep integration capabilities with existing sales processes of organizations. 

He also noted that Flyfish has the potential to make a substantial impact across multiple sectors including retail, healthcare, and finance.

As the first generative AI system for sales, Flyfish allows companies to effectively organize and synchronize their product information and marketing materials

It can also be integrated with customer management systems (CRM) or other existing platforms, making it a versatile tool for digital transformation.

The platform is user-friendly, enabling companies to quickly set up and deploy an AI-driven sales advisor. 

This advisor is equipped with pre-designed models and undergoes thorough testing before being launched on digital platforms. 

Additionally, Flyfish includes customizable analytics dashboards. These provide valuable insights by analyzing customer interactions and sales data.

Shridhar Marri, CEO and founder of Flyfish highlighted the platform’s aim to replicate the personalized assistance of a personal shopper or product specialist. 

With its innovative approach, Flyfish is already making significant strides in markets. These include e-commerce, retail, consumer packaged goods, and financial services.

Flyfish by Fractal Analytics is set to redefine the landscape of digital sales, offering tailored and insightful sales experiences that could dramatically improve the effectiveness of digital marketing. Besides, they also can improve customer engagement strategies.

Image Credit: Flyfish Website Screenshot

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