IIT Bombay’s new initiative for kids | Fusion - WeRIndia

IIT Bombay’s new initiative for kids

IIT Bombay’s new initiative for kids

Science is essential for progress in technology, society, and education. However, in India, many young children do not have access to many opportunities to learn about science and become interested in it. IIT Bombay has decided to bridge this gap.

Devang Khakhar, the director of IIT Bombay, has just announced that the institute is planning an outreach program to make their campus more accessible to students and teachers from schools and colleges.

This program will help young students become more interested in science, since they will be able to learn about the research that is being done at the institute.

In February, Class XI students and their teachers from schools in Jammu and Kashmir came to IIT Bombay. They visited the institute’s campus for five days. While they were there, they learned about the research being done at the institute.

They also attended science workshops and sky-watching workshops. In March, Class XI students from Bombay Scottish School also visited the campus for an afternoon. While they were there, they interacted with the faculty and the laboratories that they use.

They even conducted some experiments alongside them. According to Abhijit Majumder, an Assistant Professor at the Chemical Engineering department, this is only the beginning of IIT Bombay’s vision.

Majumder is spearheading this program. He says that it will become a full-fledged year-round outreach program. The school will be able to host as many as 50 to 60 students per month. Students will be exposed to the research work going on at IIT Bombay.

This will hopefully spark their interest in scientific fields. Not only does this program help the students, but it helps the researchers as well. They get to have young students evaluate their work, who can provoke them to think in different ways.

IIT Bombay’s program will be helpful for both the researchers at the institution and all the potential young scientists around the country.

Image Credit:- Megha Gupta / CC BY-SA

Image Reference: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:View_from_Boat_House,_Powai_lake,_IIT_Bombay.JPG

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