Haryana to have aquifer mapping | Fusion - WeRIndia

Haryana to have aquifer mapping

Haryana to have aquifer mapping

Haryana is set to be the first state in India to have aquifer mapping done for its groundwater resources. It is expected to happen by May. Haryana is one of the eight states selected for aquifer mapping.

Aquifer is an underground layer of water-bearing rock. It is useful in extracting groundwater. Using this mapping, the states can have an estimate in the quantity and quality of groundwater in an aquifer. This would be useful in assessment of sustainable level of water extraction.

Haryana is the first state to get the mapping done. Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka,Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Telengana are the other states which will have aquifer mapping done. These eight states are chosen because they are the states which have reached a critical level with ground water.

Shashi Shekhar, secretary of the Union water resources ministry said that this mapping very important as it helps in finding out the exact location of aquifer, it size, the amount of water it can store and its recharge. This program was launched to make management plans for these states. He added that plans will be made considering the stakeholders and state governments. He said that this is useful in taking proper measures to replenish the reducing amount of ground water.

The secretary has reviewed the complete ongoing program last week. He said that the program aims to finish the complete aquifer mapping in the country by 2022. He added that the chosen eight states will have high priority and the mapping process for these states is expected to be done by 2017.

Programs like aquifer mapping and making plans for water usage are crucial in helping the country tackle the climate change.

In order to meet the targets set by the government, some of the work might be outsourced in future.

Photo by Svetlana Sinitsyna on Unsplash (Free for Commercial Use)

Image Reference: https://unsplash.com/photos/GS3LlGInNaI

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