Discover the mystique of Bhagavathi Amman temple in Kanyakumari | Fusion - WeRIndia

Discover the mystique of Bhagavathi Amman temple in Kanyakumari

Discover the mystique of Bhagavathi Amman temple in Kanyakumari

Kanyakumari, known for its temples, beaches, and natural landscapes, is home to the revered Bhagavathi Amman Temple.

Dedicated to Devi Kanyakumari, or the Virgin Goddess, this temple is one of the district’s most popular attractions.

Legend has it that when the tsunami struck in 2003, the temple miraculously escaped destruction. Devi Kanyakumari, the temple’s presiding deity, is believed to be a form of Mother Shakti.

The temple is one of the 51 Shakti Peethas, where Sati’s body parts fell. It is said that her right shoulder and spine fell in Kanyakumari, infusing the area with Kundalini Shakti.

According to legend, Goddess Parvathi took the form of a young girl in Kanyakumari to defeat the demon Banasura, who could only be killed by a virgin girl. As she grew, she fell in love with Lord Shiva and sought his consent to marry.

However, Narada, in the form of a rooster, crowed to mislead Shiva into thinking he missed the auspicious hour, causing him to turn back. Heartbroken, Kanyakumari scattered everything around. Banasura, hearing of this, tried to force her into marriage, but she defeated him in a fierce battle.

The temple’s main idol is believed to have been installed by Lord Parasurama, with the original sanctum being around 3000 years old.

Over the years, it has been rebuilt by the Pandyas, Cholas, Nayaks, and Travancore Kings.

One intriguing tale associated with the temple is that of the Kanyakumari Amman nose ring, believed to be a nagmani, a magical stone from a cobra’s hood.

The diamond ring is so bright that it once misled a merchant ship into thinking it was a lighthouse beacon, causing a crash. Consequently, the eastern door remains closed except on special occasions like Chitra Pournami.

The ideal time to visit the temple is during Brahma Muhurta, from 4:30 am to 5:30 am. After the early morning darshan, visitors can head to the beach to witness a stunning sunrise.

The temple adheres to a strict dress code: women must wear sarees or salwar kameez, and men are required to remove their shirts within the premises. Dressing modestly is a must.

Numerous accommodations are available near the Bhagavathi Amman Temple, making it convenient for visitors to stay and explore the spiritual and natural beauty of Kanyakumari.

Image Credit: Siva301in, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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