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IRCTC to introduce premier trains on...

As per the press release by IRCTC yesterday, two semi-luxury trains will be launched in mid-December to travel in desert areas.

SC to bar convicts from...

If the Supreme Court accepts the PIL seeking that people convicted in criminal cases be banned from contesting in elections for lifetime, then they

Preventive and promotive healthcare to...

The problem of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is increasing in the country. Nearly 60% of mortality has occurred due to these diseases. In this context,

Roadmap to phase out corporate tax...

The tax department yesterday in a statement said that the deductions for corporate and non-corporate tax payers would be phased out irrespective of their

Big Hike to Central Government...

According to the report of the Seventh Pay Panel, the pay will increase by 16 percent and allowances will be increased by 63 percent.