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Heart transplant after 47 years in...

After 47 years, Mumbai has witnessed its first successful heart on Monday. The transplant was done after a donated organ has flown in from

Selfie Against Dowry Campaign

After getting applause from the PM and all over the country to save the girl child by starting 'Selfie With Daughter' campaign, the panchayat

I-Day to be the big event

Central Government plans to celebrate Independence Day as a big event. It is going to be different from the traditional way as it has

TN Government announces awards in...

Tamil Nadu government on Friday stated that an award would be constituted in his name. Furthermore, his birthday October 15 would be observed as

First of India, Sanskrit only TV...

The government has made plans in order to launch a frenzied Sanskrit television channel, presumptively the first ever within the country, by the Haridwar-based