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Increase in number of people taking up...

According to the report of Survey conducted by ASSOCHAM, many people are taking up yoga since they are being inspired by celebrities and media

Delhi-Meerut Expressway

NHAI made a proposal. The aim was to construct a green field alignment of Delhi-Meerut Expressway from Dasna to Meerut and the six lane

Govt to import 6.5 lakh tons of...

In order to combat the soaring prices, the consumer affairs ministry asked states to resort to any method necessary. The ministry asked the states

Modi: Remove fear of harassment among...

PM said that the tax officials should focus on five pillars of administration — revenue, accountability, probity, information and digitization (RAPID).

Indian team to visit Switzerland...

India and Switzerland are also planning on an agreement which would help with automatic exchange of information from 2018.