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First anniversary of demonetization...

November 8 is approaching and the political parties are planning to celebrate it in various ways. The opposition parties announced that they will observe

7.5 lakh rural Wi-Fi spots to be set up...

the government of India has decided to take measures to bridge the gap between the upper and lower portions of society and provide these

Half of India’s food goes to...

The study of ASSOCHAM-MRSS India revealed that around 40 to 50 percent of the total production in India gets wasted.

Government may lower visa fee in lean...

Some young CEOs in a recent Niti Aayog event recommended the reduction of visa fee to boost the Indian tourism and make India a

Ayurveda Day: PM to inaugurate first...

In order to enhance medical tourism and to attract foreign patients for Ayurvedic treatment of chronic health problems, Indian government is launching an Ayurveda