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India retorts to China

China’s foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying has made these remarks recently about India. It is common knowledge that China has been against India joining

India and Trump administration to...

Talking about the relations between India and Russia, Jaishankar said that both sides are interested in strengthening the relationship between Russian President Vladimir Putting

₹1,550 crore black money racket...

Entry operators are being targeted by the tax department in big cities like Kolkata, Gurgaon, Charkhi Dadri and Chitradurga in Karnataka. The report from

Indian IT firms unaffected by new US...

People claim that due to the shortage of local skilled tech workers in the US, Trump administration will find it hard to follow their

Modi replaces Mahatma Gandhi image in...

The employees of Khadi Village Industries Commission in Mumbai protested the calendar. They held a silent, soul-cleansing protest wearing black bands on their mouths.