Why Play Meta in Genshin Impact | Fusion - WeRIndia

Why Play Meta in Genshin Impact

Play Meta

It’s not easy to design a game. Ideally, lots of options should be a thing there. That way, people can develop their gaming style. However, the principle of balance is required. Playstyles need balancing so that everything is equal and no one gets an unfair perk.

On paper and practical, it is all easier said than done. When playing, it cannot be helped. During the game experience, some might realize that using a specific set of playstyles, items, and tactics can give them better results. As necessity is the mother of invention, these players’ game plans will revolve around these styles. We call that meta. 

Meta stands for “most effective tactics available”. In all manners of games, it is easy to spot them, even with dungeon masters who guard against overpowering in Dungeons and Dragons sessions. Many apps teach that gamers will eventually take it upon themselves to learn meta-based moves. In Genshin Impact, meta is unavoidable, especially given the nature of combat set in an open world and the Abyss. 

The Meaning of Meta

Meta is a strategy that the community agrees with. To some, it is the most optimal way to win in the game. Others believe it performs best with specific tasks. It means working smart, not hard. As stated earlier, it has been defined as an acronym for “most effective tactics possible.” It has also affected the perception of traditional and contemporary online gaming. 

League of Legends has its meta. And so does Genshin Impact. Blizzard Entertainment’s fantasy card game has a meta, with the mechanic of building decks out of 30 cards in a particular manner. The cards on the deck work well together. Hence, it is the reason why it is meta. With all the aspects of a game, a meta approach makes it more accessible. 

The Abyss Mechanic in Genshin Impact

The Spiral Abyss mechanic allows Genshin Impact players to earn their in-game currency. With the in-game currency, they can save for pulls to roll for their desired 5-star unit. A lot of the draw of the 5-star units in Genshin Impact is more than their utility; to them, it is also about bragging rights, visuals, and genuinely liking the character, what and who they represent – and their voice actors. Liking is a massive part of the draw. Consider the game’s vast and diverse fanbase, with minors included. However, the ones with actual buying power are the ones who are twenty-five years old and above. 

The Spiral Abyss can be accessed on an island near Mondstadt. It has two parts with the Abyss Corridor, the essential parts. The next part is the Abyssal Moon Spire, from Floors 9-12. The rewards can only be gotten once. After they are all finished, the Spire gets unlocked, with the Spire rewards coming back on the 1st and 16th of months. These days are called the Moment of Syzgy. The period on the 1st of the month is the Waxing Phase. Lastly, the period from the beginning of the 16th is the Waning Phase. 

The Spiral Abyss consists of two main parts: the Abyss Corridor (Floors 1–8) and the Abyssal Moon Spire (Floors 9–12). The Corridor’s rewards can only be collected once, and completing all floors unlocks the Spire. The Spire’s rewards reset on the 1st and 16th days of the month during the Moment of Syzygy. The period beginning on the 1st of every month is called the Waxing Phase, while the period starting on the 16th of every month is called the Waning Phase.

Players can view their progress on their map, next to their resin count. If no Spiral Abyss challenge exists, it will say, “This round’s challenge has not yet begun.”

By following the meta (aka the buffs in the Spiral Abyss), you can have a stronger chance of getting the rewards, which means more pulls for your desired 5-star unit. Additionally, the Spiral Abyss, unlike the PBA & NBA odds, is a marketing tactic for players to gun for the featured banner character since they have the mechanics needed and favored in the Spiral Abyss. 


Overall, playing meta in Genshin means you play at your best. The meta units are cheaper to build and, more often, are easy to play. Once fully built, they also deal a lot of damage and are tried and tested. When you grind to raise other characters, they will also save you time, too, because these teams that are meta are easy to use.

Wrapping Up

Meta, in long term, can save you  time and resources. They can also help you think more critically in the long-term. Meta is more than just going for the easiest way – it also stands for convenience and looking to see the benefits in the situation.

Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Image Published on November 21, 2018

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