Unlocking B12: A vegetarian's guide in India | Fusion - WeRIndia

Unlocking B12: A vegetarian’s guide in India

Unlocking B12: A vegetarian's guide in India

Vitamin B12, essential for nerve tissue health, brain function, and red blood cell production, poses a unique challenge for vegetarians, especially in India.

Discovered in 1948, this red vitamin, rich in cobalt, is predominantly found in animal-based foods, making it a scarce nutrient for those following a plant-based diet.

However, Indian vegetarians can still meet their B12 requirements with smart dietary choices.

Milk and its by-products stand out as primary B12 sources. A 250 ml serving of cow’s milk can fulfil half of an adult’s daily B12 need, while 50 gms of Swiss cheese contains 1.5 mcg of this crucial vitamin.

Yoghurt, particularly low-fat plain variants, provides 16% of the daily requirement in a 170 gm serving, offering a delicious way to enhance B12 intake.

Paneer, or cottage cheese, is another excellent B12 source, with 100 gms serving up to 0.8 grams, about a third of the daily necessity.

Additionally, vegetarians often turn to fortified foods, which are enriched with essential nutrients not naturally present.

When choosing fortified cereals, prioritizing products free from harmful additives and rich in whole grains is vital.

Whey powder, particularly the isolate form, offers around 8% of the daily B12 intake per 32 gms, making it a practical addition to a vegetarian diet. It can be easily integrated into daily meals when mixed with milk or yoghurt.

Shiitake mushrooms, although not high in B12, can contribute to meeting the daily requirement when consumed in significant quantities. They can be sautéed with other B12-rich vegetables for a nutritious meal.

Similarly, tempeh, a fermented soybean cake, and nori, an edible seaweed, are valuable for vegetarians seeking to boost their B12 intake.

For those vegetarians who include eggs in their diet, an egg offers a potent B12 source, with a hard-boiled egg providing 25% of the daily requirement.

While the challenge of securing enough vitamin B12 on a vegetarian diet is real, a variety of dairy products, fortified foods, and specific plant-based items can ensure adequate intake.

By incorporating these B12-rich foods, vegetarian Indians can effectively meet their nutritional needs, supporting overall health and well-being.

Image from Pxhere (Free for commercial use / CC0 Public Domain)

Image Reference: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/796019

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